07.12.1990 r.
Adam Byglewski establishes the company ADAMPOL.
1992 r.
ADAMPOL S.A. joins the Association of International Road Carriers in Poland – the biggest Polish organisation gathering carriers.
1994 r.
The company expands its offer with warehousing and bonded warehouse services.
1996 r.
New company headquarters in Zaścianki near Białystok. Construction of a storage hall, bonded warehouse and the launch of a workshop service.
ADAMPOL S.A. becomes a joint-stock company and is entered into the Commercial Register.
1999 r.
Numerous investments and dynamic development of the company. Extension of the offer by forwarding services.
2000 r.
Development and implementation of a Quality Management System. First certificate of conformity with the requirements of the ISO 9002 standard, confirmed by SGS-ICS Zertifiziertes Qualitatsmanagement, Hamburg.
2001 r.
Equipping all vehicle transporters with a GPS tracking system.
2003 r.
ISO 9000:2000 certification.
New logistics schemes using road, rail and sea transport for door-to-door delivery of cars.
Vectura LLC, a new subsidiary in Moscow, is established.
2004 r.
ADAMPOL S.A. joins the European-Car Transport Group of Interest (ECG).
2007 r.
In the territory of the Duty Free Zone in Małaszewicze a modern reloading terminal with a storage yard for over 10 thousand vehicles is built.
2008 r.
ADAMPOL Investment LLC, a new subsidiary company, is established.
2009 r.
A representative office of ADAMPOL S.A. is opened in Maidenhead (UK).
2010 r.
Membership in the Global Compact – the world’s largest initiative for corporate responsibility and sustainable development.
Implementation of the CSR programme – activities within the framework of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.
2011 r.
BM Vehicle Logistics GmbH is established in Salzgitter (Germany), as part of the ADAMPOL S.A. group.
2012 r.
Opening of the SKD Assembly Centre – a new service at the terminal in Małaszewicze.
A representative office of the company is established in Turin (Italy).
2013 r.
Extension of the offer with PDI (Pre-delivery Inspection) services in Małaszewicze.
Another company representative office is opened in Antwerp (Belgium).
2014 r.
The Management Board of ADAMPOL S.A. and Glovis Europe GmbH sign a letter of intent concerning the strategic partnership of both companies.
A new office of the company is opened in Warsaw.

2015 r.
ADAMPOL S.A. joins the Hyundai Glovis Group, a global leader in the logistics industry.
New companies are established in the ADAMPOL S.A. Group: ADAMPOL Czech s.r.o. based in Nosovice (Czech Republic) and ADAMPOL Slovakia s.r.o. in Zilina (Slovakia).
2018 r.
Certificate of compliance with the OHSAS 18001:2007 standard – confirmation of compliance with all requirements of the international standard in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System
A new office is opened in Barcelona (Spain).
A new section appears in the company structure: Process Innovation Team (PIT).
ADAMPOL S.A. wins 11th place among the largest European carriers.
2019 r.
Inauguration of Euro China Train – the first regular intermodal rail link between Poland and China.
Vectura Ltd. receives an award in the Best Export Supplier category.
Resumption of the SKD (Semi Knock Down) process in Małaszewicze.
2020 r.
ADAMPOL S.A. celebrates its 30th year in business.
A new vehicle terminal has been opened in Jaworzno.
A new warehouse with an area of 62 481 m2 is built in the Czech Republic.
Krzysztof Dakowicz becomes the CEO of ADAMPOL S.A.

2021 r.
Changjiu Logistics becomes a new shareholder of Adampol S.A.
The expansion of the container DEPO in Małaszewicze is completed and a border phytosanitary control point is opened.
A new company office is established in Tychy.
ADAMPOL S.A. receives a certificate of compliance with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018.
2022 r.
PRILO, an online vehicle transport exchange, has been established.
The company purchases new vehicle transporters.
The construction of a modern container unloading yard is completed in Małaszewicze.
2023 r.
ADAMPOL S.A. receives the Responsible Business Certificate.