We are pleased to announce that Adampol S.A., another year in a row, have been shortlisted as a finalist in three categories for the Automotive Supply Chain Global Awards 2015:−
Environmental Awareness−
Logistics Quality−
Vehicle Processing CentreAutomotive Supply Chain Global Award is a prestigious and honorable prize given by the independent experts from the automotive industry. Finalists for the awards are companies and personalities that have made significant contribution to the development of the international logistics industry and their achievements provide the example of excellent solutions for the continuous growth and success of their companies.The awards ceremony, with announcement of the winners, will take place on 12 November 2015 in luxurious Hotel Claridges in London. Each year, almost more than 200 experts from around the world take part in this world-class event.Adampol S.A. is a finalist of two Automotive Supply Chain awards. In 2014 and 2013 we were honored as a “Terminals and Ports Operator” and given an individual award “Leader Silver Award”.This year we are looking forward for the next one.